Monday 4 February 2013

I'm down and out.....

Me with the Cryomits on to prevent
my fingernails from coming off
Well it has been a rough few days to say the least. I'm sorry I haven't been well enough to even post a sentence to say I was down and out.  It started on Saturday 2 days post chemo round 2.  I just felt so lethargic and gross that I couldn't even get out of bed.  I don't ever lay around and hate wasting a whole day in bed, I like a good sleep in, but I literally was in bed all day.  I had a bath or two just to have a change of scenery and sooth the general malaise feeling, I just couldn't shake the lethargy.  It ended up turning into full blown nausea by about 2:00am and I was wanting to throw up but had nothing in me to get out.  So by 8:30am I had had enough of this death feeling and decided I needed to call the medical oncologist on-call.  The fact of the matter is that you are not supposed to feel sick at all while going through this.  They have repeatedly told me this, so I have no qualms about calling for help when I'm just done.  I knew I was seriously dehydrated by this point and would need some fluids and probably some anti-nauseate medication that could be given IV (via my handy dandy porta cath.) Dr. Coppin (I think) called me back right away and had me go up to VGH for IV fluids and meds right away.  He called them to let them know I was coming, and was a chemotherapy patient and needed attention asap.  Phil got me up to VGH by 10:30am and guess what we walked in behind in emerg?  You guessed it, the prisoner from Wilkinson road jail who was chained to his wheelchair, looked less than a desirable character accompanied by two huge jail guards.  Are you kidding me? It's really a time like this that I think the world is just not fair.  He was there for his stab wound that had become seriously infected, and I'm there because of my chemotherapy riddled body that is almost giving out on me. Where's the fairness in that?  Oh well, I proceeded to lay across 3 waiting chairs and Phil's lap because I could not even sit upright from the dizziness and nausea.  All the while being overlooked by the prisoner who seemed all to interested in what was wrong with me.  Of course that's how it would happen there always has to be a little flare in my life! So five hours on a stretcher in emergency at VGH with a nurse who I knew from my 4 west days 2 litres of fluids and a cocktail of anti-nauseate meds and I was sent home. Auntie stayed with me the whole time while Phil went home and dealt with all the kids. I still felt shitty not really any better actually, but I knew I was hydrated at least and could maybe come home and sleep in my bed.  Oh ya, I started the neupogen shots the day before and I seem to be tolerating them ok, so I had to come home and inject those bad boys too.  By 22:00 I was beside myself and I have some IM shots of gravol so I had to call in reinforcements (otherwise known as Alma) and called her to come over and give me a nice shot in the ass to get me through the night.  Thank god she did, I think that's what helped me turn the corner, somewhat.  I slept, had crazy dreams mind you, none the less I slept. I woke up still nauseated but not trying to vomit anymore, so Phil got me up and showered so I could feel somewhat like a human being.  I have no energy even showering is like running a marathon, it's unbelievable.  I spent the day resting on the couch, I ate small bits of food, had Kraft dinner for breakfast, and my god send Rhonda who cleans my house came and cleaned up and changed my bed sheets and made me something to eat.  I had a nice visit from Diane and Laura and baby Anderson for a couple of hours in the afternoon. They brought the best homemade chicken & rice soup with homemade bread.  It was a nice break from the long days of feeling so sick and gross to have a couple of visitors for a while. I have to mention that we have had an abundance of people dropping off meals that are just fabulous.  We have had to freeze some of them as Phil is having a hard time getting through serving all of them.  It is just so kind of people and we can not express our appreciation enough. So the gist of this is I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired and hopefully I'll turn the corner soon enough and be back on track in the land of the living. x0x
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