Monday 22 April 2013

My first cold in six months......

Well I made it 6 months without getting any kind of cold or flu bug!  I definitely have one now, sniffles, cough, sore know the works!  I guess I did really well getting through all my early treatment fairly unscathed from an outside infection.  I'm onto the Advil Plus cold & sinus remedy so I can get through this week. I think that's where my headaches came from last week, it was the brewing of this virus that I have.
I am starting my third week (11/20) of radiation today and hopefully it doesn't knock the life outta me having this cold.   I'm taking my cousin Jennifer with me today so she can see what the radiation treatment looks like.  The people at the radiation clinic are so nice they always encourage you to include your family and friends.  It makes it a whole lot nicer for me to share what I'm going through.
The weekend was pretty good, we didn't really get up to too much, I wasn't feeling great so I had little motivation to do anything. I did go for a girls night on Saturday with Monique to dinner at My-Chosen cafĂ© and then we watched a couple of movies at her house.  She spent the entire duration of one movie giving me a head and neck massage.  It was so relaxing. 
The girls swim tournaments went well Saturday and Sunday.  I ended up sending Phil to be the tournament photographer on Sunday because I was so sick on Sunday morning that I couldn't get out of bed. :-(  I was really looking forward to that. Next time I guess.
The weather was pretty crappy so no gardening got done, Phil did cut the lawn, that always makes everything look so nice.  We are getting ready to plant some baskets and planters as soon as it warms up a wee bit.  I really want to do a small veggie garden this year, Phil is not really on board with it cause he will have to construct some sort of area for that to happen!  I always have a long list of things for Phil too do.  It is more like a wish list which is really starting to get longer and longer.  I even have a board on my Pinterest site called Phil's to do list! I also have another one called gardening 101 if you are interested in really cool ideas for your garden.
Other than that, it's Monday again and we are back to the routine.  I hope you all have a great week! I'll write again soon.

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