Monday 14 January 2013

Baby steps .....

So what are we 5/6 post 1st chemo. Seems way longer than that....that I can assure you of. I spent today at BCCA (BC Cancer Agency) in the triage area in a nice room on a stretcher for most of the day.  Turns out, me and 2 of the chemo drugs I'm taking don't get a long so well. 
One being the cyclophosphamide (which when you think about it just sounds like poison) is making me vomit and nauseous.  The second, Docetaxel, I am allergic to which I had a massive reaction on the day I went for the intial dose, it seems it is lingering around now and having a "lasting" effect on me.  Fantastic!
So I woke up this morning feeling like my throat was closing in, my tounge was like a wet sponge and my neck was seizing up like nothing I've ever felt before.  Holy....seriously.....well I called BCCA and they had me come in right away...again fantastic medical team.
So on went the big girl undies and off to the cancer agency we went.  We, being Phil and I.  They started another IV, my favourite, you know what they tell me....I have "skinny" veins.....see I knew I was skinny somewhere inside this big body of mine! So needless to say, it was a couple of tries for the IV and some more pokes to get lab work and in went some fluids and medications. 
I was successfully in sleepy town, population 1. 

So on goes my trials as a chemotherapy patient, but as they say I'm in it to win it bring it on!
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