Friday 8 February 2013

Turning a corner....

Today was a much better day than the last seven days, that's for sure!  I am starting to turn the corner from the land of nausea to the land of the eating.  It has undoubtedly been the worst week EVER!  The only way I can describe to people the feeling of all this sickness is that it feels like I was dying.  I know that sounds really dismal, seriously, it feels like poison is ripping through your veins and you are upon imminent death.  Sorry to be such a downer, it's just the truth.  My lungs are crackly and congested due to lying down for 10 days and being pretty much sedentary so they need some fresh air and lung physio rehab!
On to more positive things, since the sun is shining so brightly and it is such a glorious day I have been inspired to want to do something fun. So we are headed up island for a couple of days, one day in Parksville and then on to Tofino for Sunday and Monday!  I will have lots of great photos to post and surely will have something to say!  I'm really excited, and I haven't been excited for a long time!  So  I will post something in the next couple of days, maybe I can inspire you to get outside and enjoy our fine island yourself, or if you are not lucky enough to live on this beautiful west coast then get out and enjoy your outdoors wherever that may be.  x0x
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