Tuesday 5 February 2013

Things are gonna have to change....

So I'm still lying on the couch trying to keep from feeling nauseated and gross. I am keeping some small bits of food down and I am managing to keep liquids down in small sips.  It is really frustrating to not be feeling any better yet.  I am very slowly turning the corner but really not that much better.  So I have been expecting a call from Dr. Bernstein, my oncologist, because she has been out of town and I knew she was going to want to talk to me about the future of my treatment based on the last episode at chemo with another allergic reaction.  So the "call" came today.  Dr. Bernstein said she literally had just got back into town and the first chart she had on her desk was mine. OH GOD, I thought inside.  I knew from the first time that she had said that they may have to stop the protocol if I had another reaction, and in fact that is almost what she said she wanted to do.  She had already emailed a whole bunch of other oncologists throughout the province that she was trying to collaborate on what the next step for some form of treatment for me should be.  She said more than one time, that she is very concerned about me having these anaphylactic reactions that are too risky to keep administering these drugs.  The other side is, she does want to see me receive some more chemotherapy of some kind to benefit from the efficacy of the herceptin with the standard chemo drugs. 
So I have an appointment with her on February 18 and by then she will have some other options that she thinks will be good options to keep me on some chemotherapy and the herceptin.  It sounds like I will have to go weekly now to get treatment and all of my medications will have to change that go with the treatments. ie. no more neupogen or anti-nauseant drugs.
We will have to wait and see.  For the meantime, I'm just trying to keep from feeling like barfing all day!  I hope to have more upbeat updates soon! x0x
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