Monday 28 January 2013

Gearing up

So today was the last day before my week gears up to the second round of chemo. I had a nice day, Abby is off for exam week and we went out with Auntie and my cousin Jennifer for lunch.  We had a fairly non-eventful weekend and just stayed close to home and had a nice visit from my BF from Nanaimo.
The gearing up week starts tomorrow with a trip to the BCCA for an appointment with Dr. Battershill (GPO)  for my pre-chemo check in and to get my bloodwork done and assessed to be sure that my system is ready for another jolt.  Wednesday I will go in to the Victoria General Hospital for my port a cath insertion by Dr. Hiyashi.  It is done under a general anaesthetic, it should only take about an hour or so and then recovery time and I will be home by dinner most likely.  Thursday is the big day! Round two of chemo!  The anxiety has slightly started to kick in thinking about what is to come.  I have been told every round is different and I have been given lots of tips on how to try and make it the best possible, the most important one is I need to drink lots of fluids before, during and after the chemo. 
I start the dexamethasone (steroid) drug on Wednesday, so I will be up all night for the next 2-3 days after that, so I have got some good sewing projects lined up and will probably do some more food blogging too. 
So overall the last 8 days have been pretty good ones.  I am on a 21 day cycle and hope that I have even more good days on the next round.  My hair is starting to fall out now, from everywhere, not just my head!  Amazingly, the hair on my head actually grew back a great deal from when I shaved it 3 weeks ago.  Here's hoping it grows that fast when I start growing it back permanently!  I will be posting more frequent updates around the chemo days.
Happy Monday to everyone, I hope you had an enjoyable weekend and a great week to come. Thank you for all the positive energy and think of me on Wednesday and Thursday especially this week, I'll take all that love and use it to power through!
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