Thursday 11 April 2013

Radiation day 4.....

I went for my fourth round of radiation today. All is going fine, other than a tender boob it is so much better than throwing up! I have to do some regimented skin care to avoid a nasty kind of sun burn reaction that people get with radiation.  I just have to use a water based cream 2-3 times a day.
I have to go the cancer agency every day Monday to Friday for the next 20 days.  I am relieved that Dr. Smith was able to reduce my radiation treatment period, as almost 7 weeks of going there every day was going to be a bit much! I'll take a month, that'll do.  There are 4 radiation machines that run everyday.  They are all named after trees, I am on the Birch machine.  Today my Auntie came in with me to get set-up on the machine.  She could watch them getting me lined up with the red alignment beams and then they showed her all about the actual radiation that they were doing while I was in the machine.  The techs were all very nice and spent the time explaining to her what they were doing and what the images were that she was looking at.  My actual radiation only takes 4mins the time to get me set-up and changed and unchanged takes longer than that!

All in all it is going fine. I hit a wall of fatigue everyday around 15:30 and it passes after about an hour or so. 

I'm looking forward to the weekend and not driving over to the jubilee!

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