Saturday 16 March 2013

Day 3.......doom's day!

Well it's day 3 3 post chemo that is.  I have been following the "plan" that Dr. B set out for me and it is half way working.  I have no nausea or vomiting, the bone pain on the other hand is really horrible.  The pain set in yesterday afternoon around 14:00 and has not let up since.  I am taking dexamethasone (steroid for pain and nausea) Dilaudid (for pain) Tylenol (for pain) and Advil (for pain.)  I was taking the Ondansetron,as well, for nausea, it seems that is under control...or at least fingers crossed there are no surprise attacks.
I got out today all hopped up on pain killers with my cousin to help her pick out some new pants and so I sat in the change room and played fashion consultant.  It was nice just to get out.  I didn't go very far, from the car to the store and back again, I made it though.  Abby was my human crutch and we only had a couple close calls of me dropping to the ground, it just happens all of a sudden.  It feels like my legs are completely numb from my knees down and they just ache and really hurt.  Kinda like really awful shin splints with an ache that settles into your ankles.  Other than that I feel pretty good.
It was a beautiful day out so I am glad I didn't have to spend it in bed.  Phil and Georgia spent the day in Duncan at an invitational swim meet that Georgia was competing in and didn't get home until 2000.
I was able to call upon Vinnie's friend and Stella's friend to have them over to their houses for the day so they didn't have to sit around at home all day, and it allowed me to get out of the house for a an hour or so.  I can not express my extreme gratefulness to everyone and anyone who has helped us out with the kids and fed us great meals or just came over to entertain me.
It is so hard for me to ask for help and I feel like I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my friends and family.
I'm going to attempt to go to Georgia's meet tomorrow to cheer her on!  My future Olympian.
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