Friday 22 February 2013

3rd Round Successful!

I made it through round 3!  I was extremely nervous.  I was up at the "crack 'o' dawn" as I had to go get my blood work done first thing pre-chemo at VGH.  My chemo time was not until 12:00, and because I was up so early, I spent the morning making a butternut squash lasagna for my friends 50th birthday party tomorrow.  I love to cook and it was a new recipe to me, so it was a nice way to spend the morning.
Phil and I headed to the cancer agency a little early, parking is a pain in the ass, so I was not going to risk having my chemo delayed one more minute! They were not on schedule today and had no chemo chairs available.  I was brought in at 13:00.  I had a nurse that was new to me, she was lovely.  We got started pretty much right away and she set up to access my port a cath.  While she was accessing it with the needle, for no apparent reason I almost passed out.  My face drained of all colour and she said "Are you okay?" I said "yes" and then she said "no you're not let's lay you back."  LOL. I don't know why I always say I'm fine when I'm really not, I guess I always think it's going to go away.  Stupid logic.

Manuela and I with my samosa and champagne.
The Herceptin ran first over 30minutes and then I had a 30 minute observation after.  It seemed to go quite smoothly.  I had a few pop in visitors, Auntie, of course,  then Paula my fellow unit clerk buddy, and Manuela came and brought me samosas and champagne.  Real champagne!  It was a good omen that this round was going to go smoothly. 
The next drug was the new drug called Abraxane.  It was going to take 30 minutes to run and then I was good to go!  It went in without a hitch and I was unhooked and free to leave.   It was such a different round than the last two it was a relief.

My last round of chemo will be on March 13.  I am almost there, for this part at least.  Fingers crossed that I feel okay over the next few days. I'll keep you posted :P
Thank you for all your text messages and good luck wishes.  It really means a lot to have so many people thinking of me and supporting me through this. 
Tonight we will celebrate and go out to dinner with the family!

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