Monday 25 February 2013

I may have spoke too soon!

I had a great day on Saturday which we would call day 2 of this chemo cycle.  I spent the day with my cousin and the kids making a video to apply for the Amazing Race Canada!  It was lots of fun and was a beautiful day outside.  In the evening I went to my dear friends 50th Birthday celebration.  It was so much fun and probably the best pot luck dinner I have ever been to.  That's what happens when you have a group of women who are fantastic cooks pull together a pot luck! Yummo!

It all came to a screaming halt on Sunday morning.  I woke up feeling nauseated and in throbbing bone ache agony.  Damn it! I thought this round was going to be different and symptom free.  Not so much, the pain is in my joints and bones it just aches all the time and comes in waves of intensity. It's mostly in my legs my knees and shins and then occasionally in my fingers and hands, it`s horrible.  Alma and Kimberly came over last night to watch the Oscars and I just layed here like a flopped fish.  Right after they left is when the vomiting commenced.  I have not actually thrown up through out any of my cycles until now.  It lasted through out last night and then the bowels got upset too.  Have you ever had to actually sit on the toilet while vomiting into a bucket?  Well sorry for the nasty visual but that was me! Holy Shizas......literally.  My Phil took it all in stride and got me settled into bed with some gravol for the vomiting and dilaudid for the pain.  The gravol helped me go to sleep the dilaudid did nothing for my pain. 
Today was not much better I`m sad to report.  I wish it were better, I think I`m going to have to wait this one out....again.  Aunty and Jennifer came and brought me Kraft Dinner and popsicles and thoroughly enjoyed my pyjama ensemble of multi coloured striped toque, shirt and pants!  You know I try to really look my best!   I looked like Waldo from "Where`s Waldo?"  It was quite funny.
So note to self:  Day 3,4 and possibly 5,6 of chemo cyle....ALWAYS SUCK!  I only have one more round to go. I don`t want to do this anymore, but I will persevere.  I think I can, I think I can!
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