Wednesday 30 January 2013

Port a Cath is IN!

I had to be at VGH for 11:00am.  Auntie picked me up and we were there jolly on the spot!  My surgery was for 13:10 and I had to check into surgical daycare.  You know what having a surgery at 13:00 in the afternoon means?  I was STARVING! I hadn't eaten or had no fluids since 24:00 last night.  I was almost ready to eat the furniture, and all I could smell was the nurses heating up their lunches! They all smelled like a roast beef dinner!  So I text Phil a suggestion list of what he should bring for me to eat when he picked me up. He thought I was crazy but didn't argue :)
I had a lovely nurse Theresa, very thorough.  She called the anaesthetist in the O.R. and asked him to order my same pre-op meds that I had for my breast surgery that kept me from barfing afterwards! She was great!
Auntie stayed with me, we read the port a cath information manual and used our funniest German accent to recite the port a cath acronym is SVAD, which we thought was very German sounding so that's how we read the whole manual!! LOL We didn't realize there was a lady next to us behind the curtain, she must have thought we were nuts!!  I sent Auntie on her way around 12:00pm so she could go have lunch with Uncle. 
I managed to doze off for a bit and to my surprise I was woken up by an old clerk friend of mine from 4 west at the Jubilee. She is the clerk in the O.R now and saw that I was in for surgery and knew a little about what was going on for me in this last while so she stopped by and we had a great chinwag!  A good way to kill some time.  Even though I work at the Jubilee it's amazing how many people you still know at other sites. I knew the lab gal, the admitting clerk, and the O.R. nurse and clerk. You can never hide when you work in healthcare! LOL It's ok though people are so uplifting and have such kind words of encouragement and it is an almost camaraderie that I feel. 
They didn't end up coming to get me until 13:40 they were running a bit late, so I headed upstairs to the O.R.  I was very popular when I arrived....the anaesthetist (Dr. Terry Murphy, lovely)  arrived to have a chat, then Dr. Hiyashi came to have a chat and the O.R. nurse had a flurry of questions and then I sat and waited some more.  I got wheeled into the room and slithered onto the metal slab and got a special pillow for my head and then the dreaded IV needed to be put in so I could have my "free sleep" as I call it.  It went it with no issues and it wasn't much longer and I was drifting off.  I woke up in PAR with no pain, just a really sore neck.  They have to puncture a hole/slit in your neck and then put the catheter in your chest some how that all goes together.  I'm sure they have some choice positions they put you in and thus the sore neck. 
I feel sleepy and am going to head to bed with some pain relief and ice pack.  I'm ok though and will go to chemo tomorrow.  Dr. Hiyahsi has left me all set to go for tomorrow.
Here's the damage:
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