Monday 11 March 2013

Calla Lily in my garden
We had a nice weekend. Phil and I had some alone time at Brentwood Spa and Resort and enjoyed a nice dinner at the pub and I had a facial at the spa.  I planned it about two months ago when they were offering a groupon and I am so glad I did.  It was a much needed relaxing get away even if it was only one night.
We had an exciting evening on Friday because Vinnie lost his first tooth! He has no idea where the tooth went and the tooth fairy brough him $5, he figures it's because he couldn't find the tooth.
Sunday night was lovely, we went to the Singh family's house for a fabulous curry dinner. Such a treat.  I didn't have to cook the whole weekend. I love that.

Tomorrow is testing day.  I have an appointment with Dr. Battershill for my pre-chemo check in and my bloodwork which they are going to draw from my port a cath for me.

Today was the first day of spring break so the kids were all home and of course bored. So we met up with my cousin Jennifer and went to Costco for a fancy hot dog lunch and some shopping.  I always say Costco is $100/hr and it didn't disappoint today. I bought absolutely nothing interesting and still left spending $91.00 and didn't even have a complete dinner to put together. 
So we really didn't have too exciting of a day and I am starting to get a little anxious about Wednesday. 
I have been having some dizzy spells late this afternoon, not sure why, I will have to let the doctor know tomorrow at my check in.
I will have lots more interesting things to post over the next few days when the chemo starts again.  For now I can say I feel pretty good. 
x0x Carla
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