Monday 21 January 2013

Headed into week 2 of cycle #1

I hope you had a great weekend.  We kept busy this weekend.  I was feeling relatively like a human. I have my ups and downs with mood and feeling really tired and sometimes just downright yucky.  I am having heart palpitations that are quite uncomfortable but were to be expected with this chemo.  I reported them when I was into the cancer agency last week and will tell them about it again when I go in next.  The skin on my face is covered with blemishes and little sores, I look a wreck, but feel ok. My hormones are affected with this as well, so that's why my mood is up and down (mostly I just get really irritable.)
Saturday was a beautiful day and Phil and I went for a walk, not to far, just around the park and through the small forest near our house. It was really cold, but I'm sure that's what made me have a good day. I felt pretty good and we went out and got some groceries and then went out to the "W" ( Whitespot) for dinner, just the Vidalsix.  My Saturday craving was poutine! The "W" has lots of poutine choices. I only tried poutine for the first time at the Irish Times pub, the week before my chemo, and now it seems to be my cancer craving!! Too funny....
Sunday was beautiful as well, Stella had a swim meet so we all met at the Howard Johnson for breakfast with Auntie after the meet, and
then Abby and I went downtown to look for a new scarf for me. I saw a girl wearing the most beautiful scarf and she said it was on sale at Oscar and Libby's downtown, so off we went in search for the beautiful scarf. Well, I didn't get it, too much of a rig-a-ma-role to get to the store so after a valiant effort we ditched and headed to fabricland instead.  More sewing projects on the mind......

I came home and made homemade wonton soup, chinese lettuce wraps, and chicken chow mein for dinner.....good weekend I'd say.

Here's to a good week.
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