Sunday 5 May 2013

Radiation FINISHED!!!!!!!

Well there is some cause for celebration!!!  I have finished radiation!  Yay! 20 rounds completed.  It was so nice to walk out of the cancer agency on Friday knowing I don't have to go back next week.  It has been a long haul, everyday back and forth is exhausting in itself.  The treatments were okay they were only 4minutes long were tolerable.  Radiation has a cumulative effect which means I will still have effects for the next couple of weeks.  The fatigue and some more skin breakdown possibly on the booby that was being attacked!  It is bright red, and there is just no explanation that can tell you how sore and raw the nipple is.  It will all heal in time, it's only a temporary reaction.
I have had a fairly good last couple of weeks, besides trying to get rid of this cold things have been relatively normal.
The weather is outstanding and yesterday we spent some time at Esquimalt Lagoon.  We had an impromptu BBQ dinner with friends at our house and it was great. 
I was very careful to sunscreen the area of my chest that is exposed to the sun that had radiation.  In fact I did such a good job I left finger markings on my shoulder that were covered with sunscreen and forgot to do the rest of my arms! So needless to say I was a lobster last night.  Good thing for aloe vera plants.
Life has been pretty good.

So now the rest of my treatment is every 21 days of Herceptin which is given through my portacath at the cancer agency until January 2014.  I will not return to work until I have completed all this treatment as it is advised to keep stress away and my job is quite stressful in itself, let alone organizing my life to enable me to get to work!
I am also going on June 6, 2013 to have my hereditary testing done which will determine if I am the genetic carrier of this breast cancer.  They are looking to see if I am BRCA1 or BRCA2 positive. What that means is if I am determined to be the carrier that my children are at a much higher risk of having breast cancer.  The testing is very straight forward it is just a blood test, the results however take months to get as they watch the sample and follow the chain of DNA. It is a piece of this that of course makes me uneasy, at this point I'm not losing sleep over it as there is not much I can do about it.  No sense worrying twice about it!

So that's that I will still keep writing and post on FB when I have done a new post.  I hope to write about some heartwarming stories that I have experienced through out this journey so far.  I think they are the best kind to share.
Have a great week and thank you for your support!
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