Friday 19 April 2013

Radiation 1/2 way done!!!!!

I often find myself wondering what to write about.  I have lots to say, just not sure if it comes across as preaching or just telling my side. 
I am not a religious person by any means, I can honestly say I do feel blessed for the support and love that I have received over these last 6 months of this journey.  I still have a long road ahead of me and for me I can't celebrate until that final Herceptin treatment me that will be a celebration! 
I still can't believe how popular this blog has been and how much people are enjoying reading it, and all the great stories I have heard about people sharing it with others who they thought would like it.  Maybe I'll write a book one day!

Written Wednesday April 17, 2013:
So here's an update, I am headed to day 8/20 of radiation.  It is going well, it is more of a pain to get there everyday and find a parking spot than any side effect of the treatment.  My boob is really starting to get sore and look quite sunburned, last Friday Dr. Sally Smith saw me and has decided she is going to keep an eye on it for the duration of the treatment so she will see me every week.  It has not progressed into anything ugly yet, apparently it can start to blister and be extremely painful.  I hope it does not go that route with me!
My day to day life is normal, yesterday was Georgia's birthday, so we had a family celebration.  She chose to have Indian food for dinner, so I made butter chicken and Tikka Masala and went and picked up Naan bread to go with it.  It was delicious.  I made a batch of red velvet cupcakes and a chocolate cake to serve for tea and cake with the family.  She was spoiled of course and had a pretty wonderful day.  It's hard to watch them grow up so fast.  Age 0-8 takes forever then it just goes so fast from there.
Written today, Friday April 19, 2013:
I'm half way done radiation. Today I completed day 10/20 rounds.  I also saw Dr. Smith (Radiation Oncologist)  today and she had a look at my sore booby.  It is slowly getting more sunburned and is quite sore.  I cream it regularly and take good care of the skin there is not much more I can do.  The worst is my nipple feels like I started breastfeeding again!! OMG if you know that feeling of sore cracked aching nipples that's what radiation feels like on your nipple!  I also started getting some pretty wicked headaches this week, they started on Monday after radiation and have not stopped.  Wednesday was particularly bad and carried right through until Thursday.  Dr. Smith does not have a physiological explanation as headaches are not a side effect of radiation at all, she is going to keep an eye on things.  I hate headaches so much!
We have a busy weekend planned with 2 of our girls swimming in tournaments this weekend and lots of yard work to do as well.  I'm taking the official tournament photos on Sunday for the first time so it should be fun.
I'm on the countdown now as the gal at radiation said to me today!  10,9,8,7.......Oh I can't wait until it's done. 
Hopefully my energy level doesn't decrease too much in the next couple of weeks, I have been getting out and walking regularly and doing some little workouts at home too. 
My next big adventure is losing all this complimentary chemo weight!
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