Wednesday 13 February 2013

Play the cards you're dealt........

I could sit here and write a pity party about how life is "just not fair" and "poor me."  I guess I choose not to spend my energy feeling sorry for myself, and rather, use every bit of energy trying to stay positive and making the most of everyday. 
One of the pieces of the giant puzzle of having cancer, is having to tell people about your diagnoses.

I have learned a lot during this process, one of those being, you have to let people have their own feelings and reactions to hearing and learning about your diagnoses.

When I was first diagnosed, my initial reaction was to go silent and hide from everything.  Probably a defence mechanism to try and run from the truth and reality of the situation.  As I got into to this deeper it become abundantly clear that I was not going to be able to keep this a secret, and really why would I need to do that.

So as I started sharing my news, I had to really take the time to establish an empathy for the people who I was sharing this startling information with. I know it sounds crazy that I would have to have empathy for the person receiving the news, really that is the truth.  Empathy is a two way street. 
I know that if I learned that my friend, co-worker or past school mate was diagnosed, especially at a young age, I would be devastated for them and their family.  So I put myself in your shoes, and grabbed some empathy.

I consider it keeping my ego in check.  I never want to feel entitled to anything because I have cancer.  What does that mean?  I don't think that because I have been dealt this card in my hand of life, that I should feel so sorry for myself to not keep the ability to feel empathy for anyone else or that I deserve better than anyone else does because of this. I deserve the best for me, and only I can make choices to decide what will make my best life.

Today was a great day, I went for lunch to Pig BBQ Joint, with my buddy Anne, and had a bonus
run-in with a lifelong friend Richard who manages the restaurant.  I had the pulled pork poutine, as you know I'm on a poutine kick, and it didn't disappoint YUMMO! 
I am feeling pretty good.  I have some minor issues, sores on my tongue and my back and bones are quite stiff, but for the most part I can't complain.

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