Friday 8 March 2013

Dahlia's in my garden
The sun is shining.... it's a glorious day.  Spring is on it's way and with that comes the end of March.  A time I have been envisioning since January 9, 2013, the day of my first chemo.  When people ask me how I am getting through this I really don't have a great answer.  Of course, I have tonnes of support from all of you, countless friends and family which is so important. Emotionally I'm not sure how I've coped.  I would like to say that I have coped fairly well, don't get me wrong I have had some really bad days, for the most part they have been pretty balanced.  I think I manage the stresses and the fear using visualization.  I'm not any sort of guru type person, I just like to have a way to know that at some point everything is going to be okay.  I have always done this.  I may be an irrational lunatic for the short term or in the moment, and then after some reflection I am able to pull back and play out the future in a more assuring way. Just like Christmas is to a child it takes forever to get there and then within a blink it's come and gone.  I'm not sure I could say these last two and half months have gone by with a blink, it's been more of a bad dream, it just hasn't taken as long as I thought it would feel.  Maybe that's the crazy in me, you know I did birth four kids so obviously my memory for pain and suffering isn't that great.....overall the time has not seemed to lag on.  I have kept on living and on my good days I take full advantage and go out of this house.  I make myself a "playdate" as I call it and meet up with friends and go do something.  It doesn't have to be much, some of my playdates have been going to the grocery store or costco and visiting while we shop.  Others have been a lunch date at a great restaurant or pub.  I have done a walmart playdate too.  I would like to start doing more outdoor walking playdates as my energy level returns after this last round of chemo.  I'm always looking for good conversation and someone fun to be around. Surrounding myself with positive people has been key to a healthy recovery.
I hope you all have a great weekend!

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