Wednesday 13 March 2013

Chemo round 4!

Rays of Sunshine.....a sign of light and hope!
McKenzie Beach, Tofino BC
It went well today.  I was extremely anxious to the point where I was almost in tears and nauseous.  Phil was with me so he just talked me through it as they accessed my port a cath. I wasn't hyper-ventilating or anything just a quiet anxiety none the less it is not a nice feeling. I feel really lucky that all it takes is a look and he knows what I need.  The real deal with rear it's ugly head usually by the third day post chemo.  Let's hope the steroid and anti-emetic plan keeps me pain free and my head out of the toilet.
I'm relieved the last of the intensive treatment is complete. I have been waiting for this day to come.  I wish I could be more celebratory, I still have such a long road ahead of me I can't get excited yet. 
Next up is radiation, I got my dates today.  It is going to creep up on me really fast.  I start on
April 8, 2013 and I have 32 days of radiation.  It will be Monday to Friday with weekends and any holidays off.  I have 28 scheduled zaps and 5 boosters as they call them.  I will go for a CT scan on
March 26, 2013 for the radiation oncologist to map out my radiation and I will be tattooed at some point in the locations of where they will position the lasers.  The radiation routine is very short I am told, in fact one patient said taking her clothes off took longer than getting the radiation!  The side effects of it are extreme fatigue mostly and you have a mild to moderate "sun burn" on your area of radiation......first time I'll ever have a sunburn on my booby!!
It will be more of a pain in the ass to get there everyday as it is across town from me.  I'm hoping for some sort of regular schedule. Fingers crossed for that. 
As for the rest of today, I'm quite tired and am just going to lay around and relax. I made dinner yesterday so we are ready to go. 
Here's to a good next couple of days....thank you for all the text messages and good wishes. They all come at just the right time!

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