Tuesday 9 April 2013

Radiation started......

Yesterday April 8, 2013, I had my first round of radiation.  It took just over 30mins, and was completely pain free.
It was an interesting procedure and very high tech at that!  I had to change into a gown from the waste up.  They walked me into the room and got me all situated on my back.  Then came the really high tech part....getting me aligned under the beams.  It is so funny that here I lay surrounded by millions of dollars worth of equipment and the easiest way to get me exactly lined up was to tug me around on the sheet I was laying on so the could position me just so!  We had a good laugh!  The procedure itself was less than 5 minutes and the reaction I should expect are fatigue, and redness (kind of like a sunburn.)  I'm off to another appointment now......everyday for 20 rounds.
The control centre outside the radiation room

The radiation machine.  My arm lays in the blue towels above
my head.
The control board - they can talk to you from outside the room

One of the laser beams, this sat right above my face. Those are not
the radiation beams. They are the alignment beams.

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