Friday 15 January 2016

Update 2016!!

Me!! August 2015
Vidal Six ~ August 2014

February 2013~ 3 rounds of Chemo of 17 total.
August 2013 

November 2014

Carla and Phil March 2015

June 2015

July 2015 - Vidal children

August 2015

Well, it's hard to’s 2016!!!! OMG!!!! I am 3.5 years post diagnoses, healthy and cancer free!! I have to have a mammogram every 6 months and I have had some little medical pop-ups here and there but I am cancer free!!! Yahoo!!!

A VERY dear friend of mine and I were talking the other day and she made a good point.  I should update my blog for anyone who stumbles across it to let them know that I am doing well.

In fact, I would say I am doing better than just well......I am doing great!!

So I will let er' rip, as they say.....Here's the scoop:

In the last four months of chemotherapy (September 2013) I made a decision to go back to school.  I have had a longtime goal of becoming a nurse (13 years) and have been working in healthcare as a hospital unit clerk for almost 7 years at that point.  My foresight was clear and I decided to forge ahead with obtaining the last of two prerequisites I needed to apply to the nursing program.  I needed Chemistry 11 and Math 11 two of my worst subjects...YUCK!  It wasn’t easy and I had chemo brain some days but I did it and I was finally able to apply to the nursing program, something I had not been able to do because I hadn’t completed the lengthy list of pre-req’s.

The college had revised the entry process to a competition entry which would include a complex interview process (5 separate interviews) as well as an essay.  All of this, after meeting the requirements, and actually getting offered an interview in the first place.

Needless to say I was selected!!  I found out in April 2014 that I would be entering the Nursing Program in the graduating class of 2018 starting September 2014!!
I am now in the second half of my second year!  I am almost ½ nurse! School is going well and I love every minute of it.  I have made so many wonderful new friendships and have learned more than I could have ever imagined.  I tell my nursing peers all the time “In this moment, we are the smartest we have ever been!!”

On the family front, everyone is doing really well.  Aside from the normal dramas of everyday life living with THREE teenage girls, life is pretty good.  Abby is graduating this year, got her driver’s license and has her own car.  Georgia has made the city volleyball team and has changed her sport focus to volleyball permanently now.  Stella is dancing and is also playing volleyball!!  Vinnie is a fun lovin guy who enjoys all sorts of outdoor activities.  My person, Phil, has taken a permanent job with a local construction company working as a site foreman (more often foreman’s confidant) and we are slowly regaining some financial stability.

If I can speak to anything outside of a person’s cancer journey, is that it is almost financially ruining.  We spent all of our savings and endured a small fortune of debt but we are starting to climb out of the hole.  If you ever have anyone close to you, especially if they are young (but that really doesn’t matter) diagnosed with any long term medical condition, if you can help them financially then do so!! They will never be able to show you how grateful they are, believe me when I say it touches them to their deepest core and they are very thankful.  We were very fortunate and had lots of supporters and I am forever grateful to them.  I pay it forward daily. Please know that my friends.

There are big things coming in my future and I plan to continue writing more blogs…so stay tuned and live your life well.
Xox C.

PS. About the hair..... I have had my hair cut several times and even though I thought it would never grow back it most definitely did!!!  I started colouring it again about 18 months after it grew back and it has been a major debacle to keep it from turning orange every time but  I have persevered and I am a blonde once again.  
It is a different texture than before but still thick and so soft!! I am grateful for my hair especially at this time of year, as I remember how cold I was when I was bald.

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