Thursday 27 September 2012

"You have Breast Cancer."

**This is a back dated post just to give a little bit of a timeline for those who may not know the whole story.

September 27, 2012
Today I got "the call" from my family doctor Dr. Allison Ferg.  Allison has been my doctor for 15 years and delivered and cared for me during all my baby making days and graciously took our whole family into her care and practice after Vinnie was born 6 1/2 years ago.

I was on my way to work like any other work day, and my car phone announced an "incoming call from Dr. Ferg."  I knew right then, it was not good news.  I pulled over and took the call.  All she said was "get into my office in 15 minutes and get Phil here too."
I hung up and broke into hysterics, panic and shear terror.
I called Phil at work right away, he basically dropped the phone and raced to the office.
I had to call work and tell them I wasn`t coming in, my Nurse Leader was so good, saying "maybe they just need to retest it, have another look."   I thank you for that Krista, as it really was the only way I was able to pull it together enough to drive to Dr. Ferg's office that Thursday morning :)

I then called my Auntie, I am very close to her, and told her what had just happened and that I was on my way to Dr. Ferg's.  Grief stricken is the only way to describe the desperation in her voice.
It just made life so become so abundantly clear.

I pulled up to the office and Phil was waiting, he hugged me so tight in that moment, you just don`t even realize how life was about to change.
We were walked straight in to see Dr. Ferg she was actually not supposed to be in the office that day, but had 'popped' in that day to do paperwork and came across my results and called me immediately.
We sat in the office and she asked me if I knew why I was there and I said "yes, what is it?" she replied solemnly saying "You have breast cancer."

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