Tuesday 22 January 2013

A visiting day

Today was a great day! I felt good today right from the time I woke up. I slept great last night, not sure why, don't care, I'll take it!
I had a Doctor's appointment with my GP (Dr. Ferg) today for a pre-op exam for my port a catheter insertion. Kinda a waste of time, other than the fact that I had a nice visit with her, they told me I gained 14lbs since my last weigh in (holy shiza), and I had to dodge the disgusting sick people in the waiting room......
The best parts were I had a lovely visit at Alma & Allan's house with baby Luz.  I went to Nicaragua with them in February 2010 to celebrate their wedding (Nicaraguan rock star style) and I worked with Alma on 4west at the Jubilee (back in the day!) It was such a great chat and catching up so nice to sit drink tea and eat giant cinnamon buns (hence the 14lbs! LOL) I'll work on that later....
Then I arrived home to have Georgia tell me that Tracey was going to be dropping by with "food." Tracey and I met in grade 6 at Lakehill Elementary, we go way back. We have connected on and off for the last 10 years and this is just one of those relationships that you are just so very thankful you ever met them! A friendship you cherish, even if from afar at times.
So her cheerfulness Tracey, came over and did she ever bring food... what a fantastic meal russian chicken, with all the fixings.....I am now starting to think I need to collect some recipes from all these chefs in my life......and apparently you people eat way more gourmet than this house! Oh ya, Tracey brought beautiful gifts too!
I'm so blown away by the kindness and pure thoughtfulness, of everyone.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you

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