Tuesday 29 January 2013

Good deals are just the best!

I love a good deal.  I think I can say confidently I am the deal Queen!  It doesn't matter the amount of the deal, a deal is a deal. I also love to share a good deal story.  Often the deals happen at the grocery store, because sadly, that's where I do the majority of my shopping. I wish it were at Aritzia or somewhere nice like that. 
Today was a little different, I had to go to get my scrub sponges to prep for my surgery tomorrow and some gravol for chemo time, so thus, I headed to the drug store. I didn't need to venture to far from home so I went to the Broadmead Pharmasave. Now I don't know if you have ever been there, surprisingly they have the best stuff! Purses, scarves, hats,beautiful makeup, lovely things for your home decor and if you look around you can get a good deal....
*The backstory:  My friend Kimberly came to visit (may I mention with her adorable french bulldog, Houston) my first week of chemo, it was a Sunday and we were just hanging out in our sweats but all I kept saying to her was "You smell so good." I don't normally smell people or have a nose for a good scent or perfume, but she smelled great. It was Juicy Couture perfume.  I don't wear perfume or scents, I think the last time I wore perfume was when I was thirteen and it was some vanilla scent from the Body Shop that made me feel like I was in an ice cream parlour all day.

The Deal
Those shiny ones look like condoms, they are the bubble bath samples:)
It's probably some weird "chemo brain" fixation I have been having but none the less I have thought about this perfume for 2 weeks.  So today while at Pharmasave, after having the greatest time with my new best friend Emma the cosmetics girl, I bought new foundation (The Balm) and lipsticks and mascara (for the last days that I have eyelashes), and then I came across "the deal!"
I had been hesitating finding the perfume to purchase it because I was anticipating a large price tag, and that it has $120 per bottle. My deal, a gift set of Juicy Couture perfume, body sorbet and bath gel all for $55.00 (regularly $90!) I was so excited, I have absolutely no need for this but bought it instantly!
It was so much fun, I spent over an hour in the cosmetics department of the Pharmasave, ran into a gal I know from my neighbourhood, picked out all this new makeup and got a great deal!  I also got freebie gifts, because remember I have a new best friend now, and she gave me vitabath bubbles and cosmetic bags (which aren't in the picture because they have already been claimed by the "who's that for?" teenager!) The best part I only need to spend another $20 and I get $20 gift card because I signed up for some Pharmasave club.

So I spent the morning at the Cancer Agency for my check in appointment, then went up to 4South for a quick visit with the gals, and had a nice coffee with the "smelly one" Kimberly.

It was a nice day to head into the next week or so for what is to come. 
Port a cath tomorrow, chemo Thursday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shopping therapy is great therapy! Its kept my sanity with my little ones let me tell you! and YES pharmasave is a great spot to shop, I love all their gift stuff, beautiful stuff great prices! they are overlooked I feel by most.
Becky Teves

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