Tuesday 8 January 2013



Mo -Carla - Diane
So my two friends, who are sisters (Monique and Diane), when I told them I was going to shave my head before I went for Chemo, asked if I would like to do a ceremony/celebration and we could do a big dinner fajita night and make it a festive event for the whole family and my friends.  BEST thing I ever said YES to!  It was soooooo much fun and made this experience the least grief ridden it could be!  Diane is a brilliant photographer and offered to take pictures of it all for me and Monique planned the food end of everything. I cooked the food up and we served a fabulous dinner!  I wish I could have invited everyone......just know you were all there with my in my heart and with your spirits.
The Vidalsix!

Then it was time for the main event....

 Saved the pink for last! Braided the pink....
 Take a close look and you can see the remnants of the pink hair dye disaster. This is Monique scrubbing it off my bald head! Finished product
                                                                                                               The Scar reveal....another story for another day!

My Bald buddies  Doug and Sandhu
                                                                                                   My beautiful painting from Sandhu! 
Thank you to everyone! 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures Carla!You are such a strong woman and by what I've read you have lots of family and friends who are a great support for you.I liked your one comment you made in your blogs "you have to be the driver of your own bus" very true!Keep fighting!!
Take Care,
Nicole Cuvelier

Pink PoPcorn aka Carla said...

Thank you Nicole! You are one of those friends too! We may not be close or talk everyday but we have history that connects us! I hope you can visit this often to keep leaving little love notes for me.....xox C.

Yvette said...

You look beautiful Carla! With or without your hair!
Thinking about you!
and sending positive healing thoughts your way!

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