Friday 25 January 2013

No Wiggin' Way!

The Wig
Today I went out to do my grocery shopping (and have lunch) with Auntie.  I thought I would wear my wig today, I consider that getting really dressed up.  I bought the wig a few days before my chemo started. I took Georgia with me and we got it at The Bay wig shoppe at the downtown Bay.  I really like the style and colour and was happy with my choice.

The problem is I HATE wearing it. 

The other day Oprah Magazine posted a question on Facebook :

We want to know: What would you do if you had absolutely no fear?

Here's my answer to that:

Before I was diagnosed with breast cancer cutting off or losing all of my beautiful long hair would have been one of my biggest fears.  I was so attached to this mane that I had spent years growing long with determination to get it down to my butt. The funny thing is, now I'm enduring this thing called "chemo" and I actually voluntarily shaved my head and even let my family participate in doing so.  Who would have thought? I thought I would never be able to go out in public without my long flowing locks and would have to have a wig to leave the house.  Turns out, not so much, in fact today was an "A hA" moment, when, while grocery shopping I spent the entire time trying to prevent my fancy wig from literally slipping off the top of my head, and catapulting across the store! Wigs are very
elastic-y and this one just does not want to make one with my scalp... so up up and away it the point where I wasn't moving my neck so it didn't inch it's way up any further.  I actually grabbed the stupid thing and yanked it back down right in the middle of the meat aisle! So what's the "A hA?" 
I don't need a wig, I feel my best when I'm bald and just wear a funky hat, which is really just for warmth. It's really not that scary and I had nothing to be afraid of.  Funny how what you think is your biggest fear, really doesn't even come close to it.

Have a great weekend! x0x


Anonymous said...

I love you, Manuela

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty attached to my hair too. Glad you've come to terms with it.


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