Sunday 17 February 2013

Time well spent...another great weekend!

I had a great weekend!  I'm on the upside right now, and taking full advantage.  We went to Courtney/Mt. Washington this weekend.  Phil and the kids went skiing for two days and I stayed in town and had the best visit with an old friend that I haven't seen in years. 

In a previous post I had talked about connecting with people in my life who may have been absent for a period of time and that I'm making a priority of who I want to have in my life and who doesn't belong. 
One of my mantra's is "History does not dictate friendship."
What I mean by that is, just because you have been friends with someone forever does not mean you have to stay friends with them forever.  People evolve over time and come in and out of your life for different reasons, and you are the one who chooses who you let come in and out of your life. 
The flip side to that mantra is history can also hold a relationship.  What I mean by this is, even though you may not see or talk to someone for a long time, years even, there are just people who have been in your life at one point and then you part ways for no particular reason, then when the time comes you can pick up right where you left off.  Just like you never spent any time apart. 

Well that's what this weekend was for me, picking up where I left off.  My dear friend Cathy came into my life almost 15 years ago, she and I became close friends fast when we met and spent lots of time together for a few years straight.  For no particular reason, life took over and we ended up going our different directions, her family moved out of town and as the story goes we lost touch.

We spent Friday afternoon and most of Saturday together, it was so much fun.  Cathy took me to all her favourite spots in Courtney, Comox and Cumberland and I felt like a princess!  We had lunch at Crown Isle Golf Course, went to a local chocolate shop/bakery called Hot Chocolates, and yesterday we went to the Cumberland Bakery for fresh made donuts and the Maple Noodle House for lunch!! We drove all through these beautiful neighbourhoods and beautiful scenic areas and talked for hours.  I got to see her children who are growing up so fast, and see her darling big bear of a husband who I just adore.  It was fantastic. We have already planned some time together at spring break in Tofino!  We talked so much we forgot to get a picture together!  The only one I did get was one of the cake I bought at the bakery.

I feel so very lucky to have such wonderful people in my life, not only did I get to reconnect with this lovely soul, I also got to see my best friend Kirsten of 23 years with her family, because they came to see us from Nanaimo and have a quick visit Friday night.  Then another fellow Victoria friend Miss Kimberly and Monsieur Paul were up skiing as well so we got to have a great evening with them Saturday night.

"My people" are the connection to reality and keeping life normal.  When I say "my people" it is anyone who has touched my life personally at some point.  I cherish all the relationships that I have built over my life and look forward to all the news ones that will come into my life in the future. 

I see the Medical Oncologist tomorrow and the future of my chemo will be determined.  Like I have said before "I'm in it to win it!" so I'll do anything to keep cancer out of my life forever.



Anonymous said...

Sure nice to see beautiful you and your beautiful family =) Love you lots xoxoxo

Merie said...

Very true about friendships Carla!

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