Thursday 10 January 2013

1st day after Chemo round 1

So I was up all night!  I am taking 2 kinds of very powerful anti-nausea medications and 1 steroid drug to keep me from hanging all day with my head in the toilet!  Well, it's working......the only downside is the steroid is keeping me pretty full of energy! I'll take no sleep anyday over throwing up! So working on 4 hours sleep...if you know me, that's no where near enough for me, I'm a minimum 8hour girl!

So today I headed out with Auntie to Costco! Boy oh boy, I usually go through Costco in the normal fashion of following the "loop" not today I must of zig zagged back and forth from one side of the store to the other like a ping pong ball! Auntie was having a hard time keeping up! 
I told her going in, I'm no where near rational today don't let me make any uneccessary purchases...overall pretty good only a $90 bill....not a bad day.  A new duvet cover was the only "bonus item" I got......
Came home to a secret prezzie of Red & White roses with 2 huge Cadbury's chocolate bars.  I later identified the giver, my lovely friend Emily

I had a hot bath at 4pm and climbed into my freshly made bed and was gone instantly! I crashed and burned. I woke up 3 hours later, had some dinner (home made soup.)
So overall, good day. No nausea/vomitting which is my biggest fear. Just hopped up on steroids and a few other little things.
Hope you all had a good day too! x0x C.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you're not barfy! Let's keep our fingers crossed that they are able to continue to find that magic mixture that keeps you feeling as good as possible.


(oh, and yes, there is a spot below to check "anonymous"... my pop up window wasn't open that length, so I didn't see the "choose an identity" and it defaulted to google account when I hit send.)

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