Saturday 12 January 2013

Day 3-4 post chemo - round 1

So nothing good to say at all. Yesterday (Friday) I started getting pains in my lower body through my hips knees and ankles. It's a side effect of the chemo drugs but oh my god it is moves through what feels like my muscles and through my feet's like a flu ache x 100! I can't walk or support my body weight so it's difficult to get around.
I went to bed with a dose of Tylenol and that was all I could have. I'm off the 3 day prescribed anti- nauseates and only have a rescue pill for nausea.  Well at 4 am all hell broke loose and I was in a mess. Nauseated on the toilet...a real pretty picture i know....but agonizing pain in my lower body.....holy hell.....
I woke up this morning and called the doctor to see what I could do it was unbearable by this point. She was nice and gave me some orders to take some more anti- nauseant and steroid and I could take Advil for the body pain instead of Tylenol. Thank god!
I'm not nauseated right now, I sat outside and watched Vinnie ride his bike for a bit to take in some sunshine.
That's about all I can muster up the energy to do today.......better day tomorrow hopefully.

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