Thursday 17 January 2013

Feel so loved.....

So it has been a couple of days since I have posted, I've been really tired by about 18:00 which is when I usually write.
So where did we leave off?  Wednesday night.....going to the Surgeon's office for porta cath insertion consult in the AM.

Thursday Jan 17 - Dr. Hiyashi, general surgeon appt 08:30!! OMG is that ever early to get up, get the kids out the door and get accross town to the jubilee.  My angel husband Phil, managed to get everyone organized and we were in the car enroute in fairly good time.
We ended up waiting an hour to see the Doc, not surprising, but he was lovely and took one look at my veins in my arms, laughed out loud, and said I'll get you in ASAP.  A port a catheter is a centrally inserted catheter in your upper chest into a central vein. It will allow for drugs & IV fluids to be given and lab work to be drawn very easily.  I am a "tough stick" with my "skinny" veins!
By the time I got home from the appointment I had an email with my date of surgery Jan 30/13.  So this is GOOD! It will delay my chemo by one day but that is not the end of the world, they can delay chemo up to one week if necessary and your bloodwork is good.
The rest of the day was good, the home lab came and sucked out some more blood, I'm a bit of a pin cushion, but it was non-eventful.
I went out with Auntie for lunch, I had a craving for pizzeria prima strada (I'll write about this in my food blog) it did not disappoint. 
I got a bit weak and tired by about 14:30 while we were at Thrifty's so she dropped me off and I came home and sat on the couch and watched Ellen.
At 16:00 goddess Emily arrived with a full on chicken dinner with all the fixings & dessert too! She had told me the day before she was bringing it so I was so thankful I didn't have to cook tonight.  Well, were we ever spoiled it was amazing and we enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you so much Singh Family!
At 17:00, her loveliness Monique came over with more dessert (ice cream & brownies) and enjoyed our chicken dinner with us, cleaned up, did homework with Stella and Vinnie and then rubbed my head and gave me an amazing shoulder and neck massage.......seriously.....I thought I had died and gone to heaven!  It's amazing how much negative energy I'm carrying even though I try really hard to be limber.
The evening was great and I was exhausted and we all went to bed with our bellies full and feeling very loved!

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