Friday 18 January 2013


I do like Friday's! Phil has weekends off so it is nice to have the weekend together and we often get tasks done around the house and try to do some kind of activity or outing with the kids. 
I stayed in bed this morning.......I had to be up and out so early the last couple of days I needed a
lay-in.  I have taken to pinterest (cherrypop66) and online shopping! OMG! This cancer vacation is going to cost me a fortune! I'm actually not that bad, but I imaginary buy lots of stuff, and if I was thin....oh dear, I would have so many new outfits! I think that's why pinterest is a good thing, I can just pin it to a board instead of "adding it to cart!"
I went for Baan Thai for lunch, delicious! Apparently you can have "chemo cravings", kinda like pregnancy cravings I guess, I haven't had any weird ones, like pickles with peanut butter, I just want specific foods that I love.  It's a whole lot better than throwing up, that's for sure!
All in all a good day.
A huge thank you to angel Tricia, and the Smith family for the fabulous Japanese chicken dinner last night.  Deeeelicious!

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