Tuesday 8 January 2013

MUgA Scan (Heart Testing)

MuGA Scan

It was a long day to say the least, I had to go to VGH to have a MUGA Scan which is a Nuclear medicine test to scan and take pictures of the left ventricle heart function. The type of chemo that I am going to be having has a high risk of decreasing this heart function and therefore they need a baseline to see what it was like before chemo starts. Believe me getting all these tests organized....a full time job in itself.  It took 3 hours in total most of it waiting around for injected dyes and solutions to mix into my bloodstream and then 30mins of pictures of my heart.  All in all, fairly uneventful, and so I took a little cat nap on the table!

***I just have to say that I have an excellent team of physicians and nurses who are caring for me, that being said you have to remember when it comes to your health or really anything for that matter you have to be the driver of your own bus and advocate for yourself.......ie. follow up with appointments for tests and things that you are told you are going to need or be having, medications, whatever, don't wait for them to call you all the time you are allowed to know what is going on with your health schedule!

I meant to take a picture of the machine, but forgot because I had to pee so bad by the time I was finished I only had one thing on my mind...getting to the toilet!!!!
I have to go again so I will remember next time.....so any of my VGH nurse/clerk/staff friends I will let you know when I am there so we can get a coffee maybe..:)


Anonymous said...

Question: was it only to obtain a baseline, or was it also used to make sure you could take the Chemo ?
I am glad you had caring staff.


Pink PoPcorn aka Carla said...

Great question, as far as I was told, I am considered a young generally healthy female with no previous heart problems or family history of heart health problems. So thus this MuGa scan was only to determine a baseline of my heart function prior to receiving chemotherapy.
x0x C.

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