Tuesday 5 March 2013

Totally off topic......

I often get my inspiration about what I am going to write from things I see and hear during the day.  Today is one of those examples.  This really isn't an inspiring post but more of a rant per say.
Many of you who read this are "my friend" on Facebook and may recall the post I made a couple of weeks ago about deleting people from your "friends" list who post nasty images of animals or humans being harmed or tortured.  I would find it hard to believe that if you have Facebook that you have not been exposed to one of these images. 
It makes me so furious that people actually "repost" these images thinking they are spreading a good message.  Seriously......???  What is even worse is that people are too worried about "offending" someone to delete them from their friends list on Facebook when they post these nasty images.  Seriously...???? Do you really want to even know someone who would consider posting these images, regardless of what of their opinion of the image is.  I don't care if they have been spammed or what, delete them.  The only way to send a message and have people pay attention is to start placing consequences for their actions, and if something as little as deleting people from FB is such a powerful and offensive tool then so be it.  Society needs to give their head a shake.  I had a gal tell me that her grandma was one of the people reposting these images and didn't know what to do.  I just told her " Bye Bye Grandma."  I don't care who you are.  I don't ever want to see things like that and as long as we all allow it, it will continue to happen.  All the posting of those images does is glorify the bastards who do those horrific things. Get it through your heads people.  If you can't stand up to people on FB what next?  I'm totally talking in my outside voice and just had to have a rant....if you agree with me feel free to share link this on your Facebook page.  Maybe we can get others to catch on. 
Social media is the most powerful tool, one day I am going to do really big things for deserving people, for now I'll stick to the small stuff.......as I always say get a set of "ladyballs" or just use the ones you got and start deleting the pricks off your Facebook friends list!
Nuff said.

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