Sunday 3 March 2013

Words can not express........

I'm at a loss for words....which doesn't come often! 
Today I was going to write about something more upbeat and positive, as the last couple posts have been such downers. 
I don't really have a choice now as this afternoon was one of the most touching and heart warming afternoons ever!

Christ Church Cathedral
Victoria, BC
My dear friend Sandhu dropped by for tea, and with him he brought the most generous gift.  He brought an $850 cash donation to my family that was collected because Sandhu raffled off one of his beautiful watercolour paintings.  I believe the raffle was held on 3NW (Cardiac Floor) at the Jubilee hospital, a place that I still hold dear to my heart, as it was my first permanent unit clerk job over five years ago.  I made so many friends and connections there that I can never let it go and therefore have always tried to pick up the occasional casual shift just to stay in touch.  I often visit my buddies on the floor and I'm always so happy to see their smiling faces and feel welcomed every time I stop by.  There are not enough "Thank-You's"  in this world to express my gratitude toward all who purchased a raffle ticket and contributed towards this gift.  It could not have come at a more needed time in our lives. THANK YOU! Phil and I are both so touched and grateful.
Another piece to this is, the person who won the painting that was being raffled off, donated it to me.  Miss Marian is what I have always called her and she is a special lady(RN) that I have always had a soft spot for, she is a real GEM. Thank-you Miss Marian.
Sandhu, you and Emily are just "GOOD PEOPLE" a true friendship that will last a lifetime to come, thank-you for donating your he(ART)work!
This brings me to my knees as receiving gifts is not something I do well.  I am a giver and love to give and receiving just does not come naturally to me.  I hope I can do right by all of you who are such an inspiration to me and help me get through each and every day. 

Here I was going to post about my morning gardening and BBQ hot dog lunch!
Thank you friends! All my love x0x

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