Thursday 24 January 2013


Three good nights of sleep = happy Carla!  I have felt the best in the last three days out of the last 2 weeks since chemo round one! I am doing regular things like going to the grocery store, making dinner, cleaning up the kitchen, doing laundry, scooping kitty know all the stuff Mom does when she's not undergoing chemotherapy.  As Vinnie said to me yesterday:
Me: "Vinnie, don't you know Mommy is tired? I'm sick you know!"
Vinnie: "You're not sick, you're fine, look at you!"

I guess I don't get any special treatment....LOL...I look fine!  All in all, I feel good enough to be normal and do normal things, I am almost....(just almost) a little happy about doing regular things. 
I had anticipated having my head in the toilet and feeling like crap for the duration of this journey, and am pleasantly (if you want to call it pleasant) surprised that I am not nauseated and vomitting 24/7.  I certainly have had my share of other issues...clearly, it appears I am through the worst of it and can enjoy the next week as I wait for my port a cath insertion the second round.
So what should I do....I am sewing lots, I making clothes! I am taking advantage of this cancer vacation, as I call it, and doing things I would not be able to fit into my life if I was managing work and kids and all the rest that life brings to the table. 
Tonight we are having Monique night, she is bringing dessert and we are going to have a nice evening of visiting and she gives the kids some special one on one time.
Thank you for all the well wishes and I will take all that positive energy and apply it to my upcoming chemo, I'm going to need it!


Anonymous said...

Glad you've gotten good sleeps - goes a long way to feeling human. Vinnie's young. What clothes have you made since the PJs?


Judy Young said...

Hi Carla: I'm back from Cuba and just found your terrific blog. I forgot to tell you before that I have a really good friend at the clinic..Michelle're bound to meet her sooner or later..also Carolyn Allen is some one I worked with on RP1 way back when...excellent chemo nurses who will take such good care of you! You sound like you are doing an incredible job...XOXOXO Judy

Harv Roosma said...

Hi Carla,

We just learned what is going on in your life. Thanks for developing this great site to write about your journey and communicate with friends and family. We will keep you in prayer. Harv and Kathy

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